Sample UET tag tracking code added using Adobe Dynamic Tag Management

This webpage is meant to be used in conjunction with the Set up UET tags using Adobe Dynamic Tag Management Microsoft Advertising Help article.

We have installed a JavaScript Microsoft Advertising UET tag tracking code, using Adobe Dynamic Tag Management, in the body of this webpage. To see how we did it, right-click in the webpage and then click View source or View page source depending on your browser. Note that Adobe requires two tags, one in the webpage’s header (before the closing head tag) and another in its body section (before the closing body tag).

As the webpage loads, it triggers the UET tag, resulting in a number of HTTP requests. The most important request is to "" (the one that looks like ""). This request tells Microsoft Advertising about the user visits to your webpage. You can use third-party tools such as Fiddler to monitor all the requests that your browser is making when your webpage loads.

Note: A JavaScript UET tag is required to ensure you have access to the full functionalities of conversion tracking and remarketing. If you are using a non-JavaScript tag, please switch over to a JavaScript tag. Learn how to create a JavaScript UET tag

Learn more: What is UET and how can it help me?